Your History

The Brantford Public Library has a physical and digital local history collection that contains images, maps, information and documents pertaining to the history of the City of Brantford and area.

Birth, Marriage, Death Index

Our online Birth, Marriage, Death Index allows people to quickly search local birth, marriages and death records.

Digital Archives

Our Digital Archives includes a wealth of digitized books, biographies, newspapers, school yearbooks and pictorial histories. In addition, the Archives offer an incredible selection of historical photographs. Discover the people, places and events that make our community unique.

Genealogy Resources

Use your Library card to access for free (must be in Library), or check out these helpful genealogy links.

Historical Maps

Search these online maps to become familiar with Brantford landmarks and historical facts.

Virtual War Memorial

Our Virtual War Memorial shows an alphabetical listing of Brant, Brantford and Six Nations residents that were causalities in World War 2.

Geoffrey Moyer Local History Room

Our Geoffrey Moyer Local History Room is located at our Main Branch and has all of the tools you need to complete local and family research. We also have tools that can help you digitize photos, videos and more.