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Edmison, Kenneth James
P/O Kenneth James (Ebby) Edmison, 23 Gordon St., was popularly known as one of the city's star hockey and baseball players in the period from 1937 to the time he enlisted in the R.C.A.F., on June 23, 1943. His athletic career was outstanding and in 1939 he was awarded the Holle Trophy, emblematic of the Inter-County Baseball Association's batting championship. He played for the Junior Lions Hockey Team here at the beginning of his hockey career, graduating to the Senior Team. He became so proficient that outside teams began to seek his services and in 1939 he went to Cornwall to play in the Quebec Senior Hockey League, and then in 1940 to Oshawa in the Ontario Hockey Association. Returning to Brantford, he was employed at the Cockshutt Plow Company, Ltd., up to the time of his enlistment. Training at Lachine and Montreal, he graduated from the Mont Joli School on December 23, 1943, and received his wings as an air gunner. It was on his eighth trip on air operations on October 9, 1944, with the target Dusseldorf, Germany, that he lost his life when the entire crew of the Halifax bomber was reported missing. Born in Brantford, December 15, 1917, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Edmison, he was educated at Major Ballachey School and the Brantford Collegiate Institute and Vocational School. He was married to the former Miss Jean Elliott and they have three children, Raymond, Ronald and Carol. Tragically enough, his commission, prized as another mark of advancement, was granted to him the day he was reported missing. Now P/O Edmison lies at rest in Dusseldorf.