
The Brantford Public Library adheres to the following policies in order to provide equal access to public resources and ensure the quality of service to all.

The Library Board is responsible for setting policies for the governance and the operation of Brantford Public Library, in accordance with the Public Libraries Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.44.




Anti-Spam Legislation

Board Succession Planning

Board Code of Conduct

Children and Youth Services

Collection Development

Customer Privacy and Access to Information

Customer Service

Delegation of Authority (CEO)

Disconnecting from Work

Display and Distribution of Information

Donations and Sponsorships

Electronic Monitoring 

Employee Code of Conduct

Employee Computer Purchase Plan

Establishing Bylaw

Health and Safety


Information Services

Intellectual Freedom (Request for Reconsideration form)

Internet Services

Library Board Evaluation

Meeting Rooms

Membership and Circulation

Naming Rights

Nominating Committee Guidelines

Organizational Bylaw

Organization Memberships and Requests for Sponsorships


Professional Development


Reserve Fund

Rules of Conduct and Enforcement

Safe Child

Social Media

Staff and Board Member Travel and Expenses

Strategic Asset Management

Trust Fund and Investment

Unscheduled Closures and Inclement Weather

Use of Library Resources for Political Elections

Video Surveillance (Law Enforcement Disclosure Form)


Workplace Harassment

Workplace Violence