We have a wide selection of Audiobooks and all titles can be found in our library catalogue and downloaded to your favourite device. Many of these services also offer eBooks.
OverDrive and the Libby app
OverDrive is our most-popular eBook and Audiobook service.
Use the Libby app on a smart device. Libby from Overdrive provides free access to thousands of eBooks and Audiobooks.
Visit the Libby Help page.
Use Libby from OverDrive on your computer
Use Libby on an app: app for Apple devices and the app for Android devices
Watch an OverDrive/Libby tutorial video.
Cantook Station (French Material)
Thousands of French eBooks and Audiobooks available to read and listen to on a desktop, through the Aldiko Next app or on a compatible eReader. Borrow up to seven titles per month and place three holds per month. Just log in with your Library card number and four-digit pin.
Use Cantook Station on your computer
Use Cantook Station through the Aldiko Next app on Apple devices and Android devices
Read the Cantook Station Help guide
Hoopla offers a limited selection of Audiobooks in addition to a wide selection of graphic novels, movies, television shows and eBooks. Borrow up to five titles per month and download them directly to your device. Visit our Hoopla Frequently Asked Question page for assistance.
Use Hoopla on your computer
Use Hoopla on an app: app for Apple devices and the app for Android devices
Watch a Hoopla tutorial video.
EBSCOhost Audiobooks & Ebooks
EBSCOhost offers a variety of Audiobooks.
TumbleBook Library
TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of TumbleBooks – animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they'll love. TumbleBooks are created by adding animation, sound, music and narration to existing picture books in order to produce an electronic picture book which you can read, or have read to you. Teachers and educators in both local school boards can also access this service for free with the links below.
Public TumbleBook Library access: through a web browser
Grand Erie District School Board access
Brant Haldimand Catholic District School Board access
Use TumbleBook Library on an app: app for Apple devices and the TumbleBook Library app for Android devices
Watch a TumbleBook Library tutorial video.
Teen BookCloud
Teen BookCloud is an online collection of read-along titles for middle school and high school students which features adjustable online text and complete audio narration. Sentences are highlighted as they are being read and the pages turn automatically.
Tumble AudioBookCloud has many children and young adult Audiobooks to choose from, including Spanish Audiobooks.