Cowieson, John Harrison

W.O. 1 John Harrison Cowieson had been in Brantford only a short time before the war began. He had moved here from Aurora in June, 1939, to work with his uncle, Mr. A. E. Proctor, of Proctor Packers Ltd. But he became firmly associated with the community, not only through his work, but also in his marriage in March, 3940, to Miss Lucille Martin, who now with her two small children, Jay and Penny, live at 77 Murray St. He was a member of Colborne Street United Church. Enlisting in September, 1941, W.O. Cowieson trained as a wireless air gunner at Toronto, Guelph, Jarvis, Penfield Ridge, Yarmouth, Halifax, and at Boston, Mass., before going overseas in March, 1943. It was while on a daylight raid over the northern part of France that deadly flak brought down his plane, and he and his entire crew lost their lives on November 8, 1943. He was 27 years of age. He was buried near Marquis.

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