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Edmondson, Norman Thomson
P/O Norman Thomson Edmondson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred A. Edmondson,
Ladysmith Farm, R.R. 5, Brantford, lost his life on the night of March 30-31, 1944, when the Pathfinder Squadron bomber of which he was an air gunner, was hit and exploded in midair. He was with the R.A.F. all the time he was overseas, from July, 1943, and was on several operations before joining the Pathfinder Squadron, which made 15 sorties over enemy territory. On that last night, the target, Nuernberg, Germany, was never reached. Later, from captured German documents, Ottawa ascertained and advised P/O Edmondson?s parents that he had been buried on April 2, 1944, in the left rear cemetery of the Evangelistic Church at Brinback, 20 miles southwest of Passau, Germany. Norman was born at the Brantford General Hospital, July 26, 1923, and attended Park Road School and the Brantford Collegiate Institute. After his schooldays, he farmed for a while with his father, and then before his enlistment, was on the staff of the Agnew Surpass Market Street Shoe Store. During that time he also made a host of friends through his interest in the Zion United Church Boys' Basketball Team, acting as its coach and Secretary-treasurer. Pigeon-raising was another of his hobbies. He had enlisted in the R.C.A.F. in September, 1942, and graduated from No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School,
Macdonald, Manitoba, in June, 1943.