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Wright, Harold Grover
PP/O Harold Grover Wright, 23, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover Wright, 77 Park Ave., was reported missing following a raid on an enemy target on March 23, 1944. Of the crew of seven in the Lancaster bomber, only two escaped with their lives and one, F/L Hugh Macdonald, of this city, taken prisoner of war and later liberated, was able to return to tell P/O Wright's parents some of the details of the disaster and to pay high tribute to their son's skill as a pilot and his fine qualities as a friend. Enlisting in February, 1942, in the R.C.A.F., the young airman trained at Toronto, Goderich and Centralia and was moved overseas in March, 1943. He enjoyed life in the Air Force in England and was on his 10th operational flight over enemy territory when disaster met his plane. Through the International Red Cross, which quoted German information, it was learned that P/O Wright is buried in the Municipal Cemetery at Harsewinkel, near Minister, Germany.
Born in Brantford, he went to St. Mary's School and had later attended the Collegiate Institute and Vocational School from where he graduated with his matriculation. A good athlete, he had been particularly fond of baseball and hockey and played on the McHutchion hockey team. His only job had been working with his father who operates the Wright Transport.