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Jamieson, Harold (Jamie)
When Cpl. Harold Jamieson sacrificed his life on April 2, 1945, it was not in vain, because his platoon comrades were able to capture the strong German position of Emmerich and Hoch Elton, just over the Rhine River and thus helped to break the enemy foothold freeing the north-east of Holland. So fierce was the defensive, so gallant and courageous the offensive, that Cpl. Jamieson's platoon commander, Lieut. R. Gautheir, wrote to his mother, Mrs. M. Jamieson, 19 Sarah St.: "If I had a platoon of men as brave as your son, we could win the war by ourselves. You may well be proud of him". Mrs. Jamieson is proud of him, but his death left a void in her heart all the larger because only two years before she lost her husband. Cpl. Jamieson was 26 years of age when he gave his life. Until 1943, when he enlisted in Toronto with the Queen's Own Rifles of Canada, he had spent all his years in Brantford. He studied at Major Ballachey School and afterwards earned his living as a transport driver. He was a devout member of the Latter Day Saints Church. His quiet life here was a far cry to the fierce combat duty he engaged in at Caen, France, and in Belgium, Holland and Germany. He now lies temporarily at Beek, Holland.